May 27, 2014


I apologize in advance for the language and for a very different blog post. I don't think I've ever posted something like this here but I am just so angry that I had to write about it. This blog post is also in Finnish because i feel like i can get the message through a little better that way.

No niin. En yleensä tämäntyylisiä blogipostauksia tee, mutta nyt mun oli aivan pakko. Oon niin järkyttynyt. Olisin tehnyt tän eilen mutta ylppärivalmistelujen takia en töiden jälkeen ehtinyt, mutta asia on vielä niin tuoreesti mielessä niin enköhän mä nytkin saa asiasta hyvin kirjoitettua.
Ihmiset osaa olla hyvin itsekkäitä, ajattelemattomia ja turhia kriittisissä tilanteissa. Opin tän taas eilen kun olin töissä. Yhtäkkiä kun juttelin asiakkaan kanssa, nään ja kuulen kun asiakkaan takana, mun työpaikkaa vastapäätä olevissa ylöspäin menevissä liukuportaissa, kaatuu vanha mies. Mies kaatui ihan portaiden alapäädyssä ja kolautti päänsä metalliportaisiin niin kovasti, että loppu matkan hän meni portaita ylös jalat edellä, tajuttomana. Pää aukes ja portaita alas valui verta. Kukaan ei hetkeen liikahda tai tee MITÄÄN. Mä lähden ekana juoksee auttamaan miestä, vaikka silminnäkijöistä mulla oli pisin matka miehen luokse. Lähin juoksee portaita ylös miehen perässä ja yritin auttaa hänet pois liukuportaiden luota, koska paniikissa en tajunnut pysäyttää portaita vaan juoksin suoraan miehen luo, vaikka mulla lievä verikammo onkin. Pian ylös juoksee joku nainen, ja siinä me ollaan kahdestaan kaatuneen miehen luona joka makaa omassa veressään, sillä aikaa kun muut vaan tuijottaa rappusten alapäädyssä, tekemättä yhtikäs mitään. Olen töissä hyvin suositussa ostoskeskuksessa, jossa käy varmaan tuhansia ihmisiä päivittäin, ja tapahtumapaikalla oli varmaan parikymmentä ihmistä joista suurin osa oli aikuisia. Huusin ihmisille että soittaa ambulanssin ja jouduin pari kertaa huutaa ennen kuin joku vihdoinkin nappas puhelimen käteensä, ja silloin sinne kans onneksi juoksi pari miestä auttamaan. Mutta jotkut jäi vaan jonottaa mun työpaikan eteen oottaa kunnes tulisin takaisin, ja kun lopulta kassalle palasin siinä oli kunnon jono ihmisiä jotka ei mitenkään reagoineet tapahtumaan tai yrittäneet auttaa. Eikö kaikkien velvollisuus tälläisissä tilanteissa ole edes yrittää auttaa?? Tai eikö sen niin pitäisi olla...? Tietenkään kaikkien ei tarvitse apuun rynnätä, mutta jos ensimmäisenä auttamassa on 19-vuotias tyttö joka ei ollut edes lähimpänä tätä apua tarvitsevaa henkilöä, kyllä on jotain pahasti pielessä.
Raivostuttavinta tässä on se kun ennen kuin palasin kunnolla sit töihin, tulin hakemaan työpaikaltani vettä ja paperia ja silloin vanhempi nainen ohittaa ne rullaportaita tuijottavat jonossa seisovat ihmiset ja tulee kassalle ja pyytää multa maailman itsekkäimmällä ja ärsyttävimmällä äänensävyllä kahvia. Anteeks mutta MITÄ HELVETTIÄ. Katsoin naista hetken sellaisella "OLETKO TOSISSASI?!" katseella koska hän selvästi näki kun juoksin portaita alas nappaamaan vettä ja paperii ja aloin jo kiirehtiä takaisin sinne ylös. Mun kommentti sille takaisin ei varmaan ollut parasta asiakaspalvelua mutta en voi oikeesti uskoa miten tuollaisessa tilanteessa joku kehtaa olla noin itsekäs.
Ja ambulanssilla kesti yli 20 minuuttia päästä perille?! Ihmiset reagoi kyllä niin huonosti tuossa tilanteessa ja olen vaan järkyttynyt ja tulen varmaan vielä pitkän ajan päästäkin olemaan.
Ja mä vieläkin tärisen.
Mua alkaa vaan suututtaa lisää kun ajattelen tätä tapahtumaa joten voisin lopettaa postauksen näihin merkkeihin. En jaksa nyt kirjottaa tai keksiä tähän mitään iskevää opetusta, mutta jokainen joka luki tän voi varmaan itse sellaisen keksiä ja yrittää noudattaa sitä, koska toi oli ihan kamalaa. Kuvitelkaa jos te olisitte olleet tämän vanhan miehen tilalla. Tai jos joku teijän ystävistä olisi ollut tuossa tilanteessa. Toivoisin vaan että ihmiset edes hieman miettisivät miten toimia tälläsis tilanteissa, tai jos se on liikaa pyydetty niin miettimisen voi jättää kokonaan pois ja sentään yrittää toimia vaikka ei olisikaan mitään hajua mitä kuuluisi tehdä, kuten minä eilen tein. Mäkin olisin voinut varmasti paremmin ja fiksummin toimia, mutta ainakin mä yritin parhaani auttaa.

May 22, 2014

m u s i c // m u s i c // m u s i c

Those who have been following my blog for a longer time already know that I occasionally post music here that I have currently been obsessed with, and since it has been quite a while since I last did so, I thought it was about time to update you all with music I've been playing on repeat recently. And this is also a way for me to find songs I used to love when I look back on my old blog posts :) I played around with the HTML code quite a bit for this blog post so let's hope all of these links work!

May 11, 2014

VIDEO // Snorkeling in Phi Phi

There will be a separate video from our stay on Phi Phi Island, but this video is just from our snorkeling trip.
We are back in Bangkok and we just finished packing. We're heading to the airport in a few short hours and I seriously don't know how I will survive in under 10°C weather again after spending over 3 weeks in +35°C. I could've stayed here much longer since I feel like I'm leaving the country less tan than I was when we arrived 3 weeks ago. And I also still haven't managed to find a dress for graduation. Oh well.
Something pretty crazy happened when we arrived to Phuket, but I will write about that later in a post that focuses more on our stay there. I am still shocked.
Anyways I hope you all have enjoyed "tagging along" on our vacation through these videos! I still have footage I haven't edited, so even though I'll be back home, I'll still keep posting stuff from this vacation for a while :)

May 9, 2014

under the sea

I think these pictures are pretty self-explanatory, so I'm not gonna write a lot about this now. But AHHH. This day was absolutely amazing. We rented a private boat and went snorkeling with colorful little fishies and visited beautiful beaches. We had a GoPro camera with us, so we have a ton of video footage from today, and I seriously can't wait to start editing the video. These pictures are actually screenshots from some of the video clips, so (if I may say so myself) the final video should be really cool.
Last night we got a taste of the night life here in Phi Phi, and oh my god... People here really know how to party. For example, there were limbo and jump rope competitions on the beach, and both the jump rope and limbo pole were ON FIRE. I have some pictures and video footage from last night as well, so I will try to get those edited soon as well. Unfortunately we are leaving Phi Phi Island tomorrow so we didn't get to see that much of the island but these past 2 days have been absolutely amazing. We are going to Patong beach tomorrow and we will spend one night there before heading back to Bangkok.
Phi Phi Island, I will definitely be back soon.

May 8, 2014

Koh Phi Phi

So... We pretty much stumbled upon paradise today. Can I just stay here forever? Please? Our hotel is beautiful, the beaches here are beautiful, the weather has been amazing today, and we are about to go explore the "city" with Nicole. Needless to say, I am extremely happy right now.

green & blue & floral

I scheduled this post to upload itself so currently we are sitting on a plane, heading to Phuket!! We will return to Bangkok on Sunday night, and since we leave Thailand on Monday morning, this was our last actual day here. It is seriously crazy how fast time flies.
I think I mentioned this in an earlier post but I got badly sunburnt in Koh Chang, and now almost all of my tan has either faded away or fallen off. Yes, fallen off. My skin is peeling and my tan has seriously disappeared and now I feel even whiter than I was when we left Finland. Sad. So sad. Especially since we have soon been here for 3 weeks. Hopefully the weather in Phuket & Phi Phi Island will be good so I can enjoy a little bit of warmth and sunlight before heading back to Finland, where it has apparently still been snowing while we've been here. And hopefully I will leave this country a little bit more tan than I arrived haha.

May 6, 2014

Koh Chang Video - Part 1

I decided to publish our videos from Koh Chang in 2 parts because it is a lot easier for me to edit and a lot faster for me to upload, because our internet (and my computer) have been acting extremely slow recently. This took me all night to upload and I had to try to upload it several times before it finally went through. If anyone has any tips or tricks to fix this annoying problem, please comment down below! I will also try to edit the second video before we head to Phuket and Phi Phi Island :)
And please subscribe to my youtube channel if you haven't already! You can find a link to my channel by clicking the youtube logo on the top right hand side on this page.

May 3, 2014

Koh Chang

We made a spontaneous trip to an island called Koh Chang and spent 3 nights there. We arrived back to Bangkok late last night so I managed to just upload the other video from Safari World, and I will start editing a short video from Koh Chang soon. The reason I mentioned the word "short" just now is because I forgot to carry a camera around (even though we had 4 cameras with us + our phones) and we didn't really do anything besides lay out by the pool and beach. I tried to take a few videos with my phone but I can't promise that the quality or content of the videos will be good, but I will try to find even a few publishable clips. Like I said, all we really did there was lay out in the sun and even though I did use sunscreen with spf 30, I got really sunburnt the second day and stayed in the shade for the rest of the trip. We switched hotels after 2 nights because we got a better deal from a better hotel, and even though the first hotel was nice, the second one was wayyy nicer. Both hotels were on White Sand Beach and we didn't really wander around the island so that's the area we stayed in for the whole time. We got to see a little bit of the night life there as well, which was a pretty interesting experience haha.
I also mentioned a few posts back, in the beginning of this whole vacation, that I was sick when we arrived in Thailand. And now when I finally started to feel better, I got sick again. Our car ride back from Koh Chang took 9 hours because of traffic and needless to say, I was suffering in the backseat. Hopefully this flu will pass for good soon...
We are heading back to Finland on May 12th, and we still have one more little trip planned during our stay here. And the destination is Phuket/Phi Phi Island! But more on that later ;)
I still haven't edited the other videos I talked about, but the content of those videos probably won't be as interesting/entertaining/etc. as the videos I have now posted and am planning to post asap. But I will work on them as well once I have spare time :)
Thailand will probably soon run out of tissues because I keep getting sick... I seriously have the worst luck in the world when it comes to timing haha. Anyways I hope you all are feeling even a tad bit better than I am!

May 2, 2014

Extra Footage from Safari World

I decided to make this video in addition to the previous one from this day, because in this video you can hear what goes on behind the camera and what we were talking about before i muted the audio and added the music. I'm not sure if you guys will find this funny but we found some of the clips absolutely hilarious, and even though i didn't dare to put some of the worst and funniest clips in this, I hope you all will still enjoy this little look into our day at the zoo. And please comment below what you think of this type of video :)

To watch our previous vlogs from this trip, click HERE or check out my recent blog posts.

PS. Nicole does not like birds.
PPS. And sorry for the mixture of Finnish, English, and Finglish.