January 27, 2013

young blood

I'm not completely sure of what I want or what I'm looking for. I don't even know where I should start looking. I don't necessarily even want to find the map or road that will take me where I'm supposed to go. I don't really even care where I'll end up, I just want to end up happy. I want to meet new people, people who are different from anyone else I've ever met. People who will challenge me to be and do the best I can. I want to fall heels over head in love, and let my heart take over my mind. I want to learn how to fly and let go of the things that weigh me down. I want to overcome my fears and forget what has hurt me in the past, and live like nothing ever did. I want to stop over-thinking about everything, and learn how to let go of things I can't change. I want to make the most of every moment and make memories that will last forever. I don't only want to live forever, but I want to live as if I'll die tomorrow. I want to make sure that whatever I do, I'll do it fearlessly and with all my heart. I want to travel the world. I want to see, feel, try, know, and experience everything.
Wanderlust. I think that's my problem. I'm a hopeless wanderer.
Photos from Pinterest


  1. Anonymous27/1/13 14:27

    I have same problem. I wish one day i will know what i want from life and with who i will share my life :)). Perfect pictures :)

    1. yeah that's exactly how i feel as well! and thank you!! :)

  2. Anonymous27/1/13 14:56

    Ihana postaus jällee kerran :)! mull ois kysymys "oon menoss Arizonaan ja Californiaan kesälomall oon menoss kesälomall nii ei oo kouluu eiks oo mtn tapaa saada kavereita paitsi koulun kautta vinkkejä kiitos :)))))

    1. jenkit on tosi puheliaita ja sosiaalisia, joten niihin tutustuu helposti! eikä ne kato sitä mitenkään liian outona jos joku alkaa kadulla juttelee niille, joten rohkeesti vaa juttelemaan kivan näkösille ihmisille :) saataa kuulostaa aika oudolta koska suomessa ei sillee hirveesti tehdä, mutta se on paras vinkki jonka pystyn antamaan! ja ääää mäki haluun lähtee tonne :(


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